

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 3 months, 2 weeks ago



Learning2gether / Upcoming events

Welcome to a space where educators can learn together


Upcoming free webinars and presentations





Archives of past events


Looking for something?


Next upcoming events


Find archives of our previous sessions here: http://learning2gether.net, and an index of all events here 

Or check out the earlier events we've been following  




Check for more live events on our Learning2gether, Webheads, etc. Facebook pages


Here are the direct links




Earlier events


Tue Feb 8 from midnight UTC - EVO Minecraft MOOC 1-day conference on language learning



Tue-Fri March 22-25 TESOL 2022 in Pittsburg and online


TESOL 2022 International Convention & English Language Expo


Wed 23 March 11:00 - noon UTC - Best of EVO - EVO Minecraft MOOC




Thu 31 March to Sat Apr 2 - VWBPE Phoenix Rising





Fri-Sun 8-10 July CALL Research Conference at Waseda University, Tokyo



The 21st International CALL Research Conference to be hosted by Waseda University, has been postponed to July 8-10, 2022.

For  more information: https://conferences.castledown.com/call2022/  

The deadline for abstracts is 31 January, 2022. The call for papers for the conference can be found here.


My submission entitled 

Smart choices: An analysis of 20 years of EVO moderator decisions on platforms best promoting online distributed learning had been accepted for presentation at International CALL Research Conference 2020.

That was postponed to 2021 in Tokyo, and now again to 2022


This was my proposal. However, due to illness, I have not extended the research into 2022.



As a former CALL Lifetime Achievement award winner (2019), I was granted complimentary access to the conference.


Here is a screenshot from the Castledown plenary on July 9, 2022 on

The Imitation Game: Smart language learning and artificial intelligence

Mathias Schulze, San Diego State University, USA 


The presenter is shown here second from right in the web cam view.

I am in the back row, in the middle of the seat highlighted in bright blue.



Cancelled events that were to be a part of Learning2gether


June 3-5 2020 - MELTA in Penang Cancelled



I submitted an abstract in Feb, 2020 and received an aknowledgement via Google Forms

How to teach English through computational thinking without having to know coding


The workshop seeks to show how language skills can be developed when the focus of a lesson is not necessarily on the language itself but more on tasks involving using English communicatively and thoughtfully. Many students and teachers realize that some knowledge of coding is an essential skill in the modern workplace, and are therefore receptive to learning more about it. The presenter gives examples of language teachers who integrate computational thinking and even coding into their language classes to promote the 21st century skills of critical and creative thinking, analysis, and problem solving, in addition to the more obviously language-related skills of collaboration and communication stimulated by information gaps and having to articulate algorithmic processes with acceptable fluency. The workshop introduces and guides participants through simple activities using step-by-step approaches, presented in accessible terminology, that can clarify for them this relationship between computational thinking and language development. The activities are set out in handouts that participants can use during the workshop and with students later in class. The activities require neither a computer nor prior knowledge of programming, only the instructions on the handouts, and participants will be pointed to repositories of many more such resources online.


50 word bio

Vance Stevens lives in Penang and has produced hundreds of episodes of Learning2gether.net. His publications, available at http://vancestevens.com/papers/, deal with students using computers to learn languages and teachers learning to teach using technology. His accomplishments earned him the 2019 CALL Research Conference Lifetime Achievement Award.


More info



I received this on Thu, May 7, 1:20 PM

Dear Presenters, 

We are pleased to inform you that we will continue accepting abstract proposals for the 29th MELTA International Conference which has been postponed to 2021. However, letters of acceptance will only be sent out once the conference dates have been confirmed. Thank you for showing your interest to participate in our conference and we look forward to meeting you next year. 



Aug 6-8 GLoCALL 2020 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia postponed to 2021



I had been invited to be a GLoCALL 2020 International Featured Speaker

and had accordingly submitted the following in a GLoCALL 2020 featured speaker form (Word document)


Bio (104 words): 

Vance Stevens lives in Penang, Malaysia. Founder/coordinator of Webheads in Action and Learning2gether.net, he has produced over 435 episodes since 2010. He is On the Internet section editor of TESL-EJ. and has over 150 publications, many available at http://vancestevens.com/papers/, dealing with students using computers to learn languages and teachers learning to teach using technology by engaging in communities of practice and in participatory cultures.  He has helped coordinate TESOL/CALL-IS Electronic Village Online (EVO) since 2003, and has co-moderated EVO Minecraft MOOC for the past 6 years. He was recently awarded the 2019 CALL Research Conference Lifetime Achievement Award.


Presentation Title: An analysis of two decades of EVO moderators’ decisions on platforms facilitating online distributed learning 

(paper, 25 minutes or longer)


Abstract (149 words): 

EVO moderators have been conducting free and open online 5-week workshops in January-February every year since 2001. The all-volunteer moderators of these workshops must choose a platform for mounting each session, and the choices made of suitable online tools to best accomplish their goals can be instructive for colleagues wishing to host their own online courses and communities online.

The recent loss of Google+ Communities, Yahoo! Groups, and other online platforms heavily used by educators for facilitating online communities of practice has impacted Electronic Village Online moderators and their ability to find robust, stable, free, and open platforms for hosting projects promoting collaborative and shared learning in distributed CoPs. This presentation analyses decisions made by EVO moderators over the 20 years that EVO has been in existence, and the choices they have made in coming up with serviceable tools despite the occasional sudden loss of many of these platforms.



More online events calendars and archives



Webinars on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays



IATEFL Webinars

Find the schedule of upcoming webinars here




Instructional Design Service Project

The Designer Dialogues webcast series


The Designer Dialogues webcasts were hosted by Jennifer Maddrell on the second Thursdays of each month between 2013-2018. 


Learning Revolution

Ongoing webinars: http://learningrevolution.com/

Host your own webinar: http://learningrevolution.com/page/host-your-own-webinar 



Prism offers free courses on Moodle

More information in the Prism Newsletters


Register for the courses here - https://www.rose-prism.org/moodle/



Share Your Webinar

A Facebook group for promoting your webinars (for free, of course)






MyTESOL Lounge Live!



FREE and open to members and non-members, myTESOL Lounge Live! is an online hosted conversation space for English language educators. Our next discussion, hosted by Okon Effiong, takes place 27 August at 12:30 pm EDT and will focus on concerns over the veracity of student assessment tasks in the virtual classroom.


All you need to participate is a device with an internet connection. Once you sign up, instructions for joining the conversation will be emailed to you.

TESOL Academic


http://www.tesolacademic.org/ interviews TESOL luminaties and posts the interviews at its 
YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TESOLacademic 


The site says that it had 10 yrs 0f supporting scholarship in #TESOL (2008-2018) 

and that it produced 78 free #LanguageEducation YouTube talks


Suggest a TESOL Virtual Seminar Topic


Have a suggestion for a virtual seminar? Complete this form to suggest a virtual seminar topic or speaker!

TESOL Virtual Seminars are 90-minute Webcasts focused on key issues in ESL and EFL. The seminars are easy to access online from your home or office, as a live event or using the playback feature when it fits your schedule. You can also extend peer-to-peer learning by bringing together ELT professionals in your school or area for the seminar at no extra charge (registration is on a per site basis). Visit the TESOL Resource Center for examples of past virtual seminars.


More about Learning2gether


Currently (August 2020) we are webcasting mostly in Zoom


Blackboard Collaborate is still generously provided to us by Learning Times. 
Where: Blackboard Collaborate (Elluminate) 


Won't you help out by volunteering to give us a presentation?
Send a short blurb and the date requested to vancestev at gmail.com, or request to join this wiki -
(to avoid spam annoyances, those requesting access are added as readers who can leave comments;
but if you make known your desire to present, get in touch with us, and we will gladly make you a writer)

Would you like to host an event?

Finding out what's on

At the moment people wishing to see what’s coming up on L2G can visit these links, http://learning2gether.net to start with, and from there be linked to http://learning2gether.pbworks.com

From there you can reach the direct link to our next session: 

This is where people expect to see events posted. We also try and post announcements
to various Facebook communities,
and tweet them on #learning2gether

You can also check on the Webheads list (anyone can view messages, they are public) 

Once you know what and when, finding the events

If the event is in Elluminate, you can easily join it at http://webheads.learningtimesevents.org/
If the event is in a Hangout, we normally post direct links to the hangout against its date on this page and at
Google+ communities is no more unfortunately

What if you want to host an event

If you want to initiate a Learning2gether event, you can join the wiki at http://learning2gether.pbworks.com, and when you are a Writer, you can write your details there. However, alert Vance Stevens (vancestev at my gmail address) what your attentions are. When I get requests to join the wiki from people I don't know and who have not contacted me before, I approve them, but as readers on the wiki.

Up to now, anyone wishing to place an event on our calendar needs to join the wiki.  If I recognize the person (I know them or they emailed their intentions to vancestev at gmail.com) then I will give writer privileges on the wiki (otherwise, in order to keep spam off the wiki, I grant reader privileges).  As of this writing (May 2019) there are 225 users with reader or writer privileges at our wiki. The increase in the past couple of years has been at the rate of about 1 every two weeks.

There are a couple of other considerations when planning.
Anyone can start and record a Hangout and harvest its YouTube video embed (I used to use Any Video Converter to get an mp3 from that but I am unaware of any such converters at present that are both free and trustworthy).
We also have available Blackboard Collaborate, which we fondly still call Elluminate, available to us on an ongoing grant from http://learningtimes.com. If you wish to use this venue you should reserve it by creating an entry at http://my.calendars.net/eslhome_conferen



If you would like to present an event or host a discussion please let Vance know. Write vancestev at gmail.com 

Here's a possibility, posted on https://www.facebook.com/groups/evomlit/ 

(Ozma might present this when she starts doctoral studies next year :-)


Events archive

Once an event has happened, its archive gets moved to http://learning2gether.net, a podblog managed by Vance Stevens.

This is done in this way:
An entry pointing to the archive is made in the wiki index: 

Whatever artifacts there were at the wiki as well as any recordings made are placed in the blog at http://learning2gether.net
The blog has a podcast feed. You can find the RSS icon at our About tab





And this unexpected 2018 to 2019 New Year's greeting encapsulates what L2g is all about: https://www.screencast.com/t/q8nQsopMIbsO 









These materials were compiled by Vance Stevens, https://learning2gether.net  

You are free to share-alike and with attribution under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/


The date of this update is July 16, 2022 - 05:00 UTC 


updated March 18, 2023 

edited Oct. 20 2024







Comments (10)

Joseph Savirimuthu said

at 1:55 pm on Mar 10, 2013

Weblink to stream at 12 noon does not appear to be recognised by Firefox

Vance Stevens said

at 5:08 pm on Mar 11, 2013

I see you made it in at any rate :-) Thanks for joining us; archive at http://learning2gether.posterous.com/veillance-hangout-with-alex-hayes-and-posse

Benjamin L. Stewart, PhD said

at 11:33 pm on Aug 27, 2013

Vance and others, is there anything scheduled for Sept. 1-2? If not, how about a PLN, show and tell? Each participant does a screen share demonstrating and explaining the "what", "how", "why", etc. of current web tools, communities, personal contacts, etc. that contribute to one's professional learning? What do others think?

Vance Stevens said

at 7:33 am on Aug 29, 2013

Sounds like a plan there Ben! It just needs movers and shakers :-) Let's bring our communities to bear on it, Sept 1, 2nd, or both ...

Benjamin L. Stewart, PhD said

at 4:13 pm on Aug 29, 2013

Will do!

marouf said

at 4:20 pm on Jan 12, 2015

Hello Mr. Stevens,
Is this the right wiki that I must enter? Thanks

Vance Stevens said

at 10:08 pm on Jan 13, 2015

Hi Marouf, this is the right wiki if you want to give a presentation or host a discussion here. What did you want to do here?

joshhe1977 said

at 4:23 pm on Jul 28, 2015

Dear Vance Stevens
I am happy to be able to join such splendid community. Maria Colussa told me about it.
If there is some discussion related to gamification, game based learning, inmersive environments or minecraft in education, I would be very happy to participate and learn. I coordinated a research published in Educational Tehcnology and Society. (JCR-Q2): http://www.ifets.info/journals/18_3/9.pdf so I am very enthusiastic with the topic. Thanks again for everything

Vance Stevens said

at 7:35 pm on Jul 28, 2015

Hi José-Manuel,
Great to hear from you. I coordinated a session on Minecraft for educators last Jan / Feb and will do so again in 2016, https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/112993649763396826671. We could welcome your participation and perhaps you could come online one Sunday around 1400 GMT (give or take an hour or two) and tell us more about your research Find our schedule here http://tinyurl.com/learning2gether - just find a Sunday that's free and we'd love to meet you online.

Maria Jose said

at 10:39 pm on Jan 28, 2017

Dear Vance Stevens
It´ll be a pleausre to share my experience working on global projects. Where may I send you all the information?

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