Quick link here to ==> our next scheduled event
and full program of upcoming events
This is a space where educators who gather here can share expertise and learn from one another by interacting through
Some background information
Webheads in Action (http://webheads.info) started meeting at Tapped In on Sundays at around noon GMT in 1998. In the fall of 2010 we began holding these regularly scheduled online presentation events on Sundays at 13:00 GMT, usually in the Webheads Elluminate room at http://learningtimesevents.org/webheads/event (still working in June 2020, thanks to a grant from http://learningtimes.com). We also have recordings of Google+ Hangouts streamed on http://webheadsinaction.org/live/. Our most relliable index of our work since 2010 is here archiveindex.
Learning2gether was initiated in 2009 to perpetuate the free biannual Webheads in Action Online Convergence events WiAOC2005, WiAOC2007, and WiAOC2009 (see http://vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/wiaoc_index.htm). In 2009-2010 we moved to this more manageable format of weekly presentations to spread our convergence throughout each year by meeting occasionally, and we have been podcasting ever since at https://learning2gether.net.
All educators are not only welcome to attend, but more especially, urged to share their expertise or propose a topic for discussion.

Most of our events are in Zoom these days.
We used to hold our events in Blackboard Collaborate
To reserve this room, we would schedule here:
A note of gratitude!
This has been thanks to an ongoing grant from http://www.learningtimes.com/
However with recent loss of support in most browsers for Java,
Bb Collaborate has been getting increasingly difficult to use.
We do not know at present how to resolve the problem.
If you can suggest a solution, please leave us a note below.
Chatwing no longer works (went offline), but our Etherpad has been working since 2013
You can leave us a message at http://etherpad.mit.edu/p/learning2gether
You can also visit this page to use the same Etherpad chat embedded in this wiki.
Events here can be crowd-sourced.
To write-in your event here,
- check the calendar below for empty dates
- Join this wiki space
- Let Vance know who you are: vancestev at gmail.com
- and once approved, simply write yourself in
Please teach us something that you know how to do.
See our CFP, and other options in the sidebar at right.
During times of COVID-19 we are organizing through TALIN:Teaching and Learning in IsolatioN
See our schedule and archives at https://tinyurl.com/talin2020 and find instructions for organising or proposing events here
With thanks to our many supporters over the years
Learning2gether falls under the umbrella of Webheads in Action http://webheads.info
and a is weekly extension of WiAOC (Webheads in Action Online Convergence)
held in the years 2005, 2007, and 2009 http://vancestevens.com/papers/evonline2002/wiaoc_index.htm

In the words of one of its participants, in personal communication Sept 14, 2012, Webheads is "a very organic community, where there is no clear-cut distinctions between a long-time member as opposed to a recent member, since everybody shares, and everybody learns from each other, and everybody takes active roles here and there" - that about sums it up :-)
Organizer and coordinator: Vance Stevens
These materials were compiled by Vance Stevens, https://learning2gether.net
You are free to share-alike and with attribution under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
The date of this update is June 10, 2020 06:30 UTC

Special thanks to Jeff Lebow for the cool graphic to accompany our QR code, really dresses up our L2g logo
Wed 3 June Online International Webinar on ELT & Technology held in collaboration with TALIN and Learning2gether
This is a link redirect workaround
because this page https://sites.google.com/view/webinar-eng-mkbu/ directs people here for more information about the presentation by Vance Stevens entitled From thinking SMALL on social media assisted language learning to TALIN: Teaching and learning in IsolatioN
I will leave this placeholder here until the Google sites link is redirected, but complete information on the presentation including links to its slides and full-text can be found at HERE
The table of contents is here to make the workaround work
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